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...Home ... Editorial ... News ..News Story Tuesday: December 28, 2010

(ISC)2 Celebrates 15 Years

2/25/2004 -- The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium [(ISC)2], creators of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification, is celebrating its 15th anniversary this week at the 2004 RSA Conference in San Francisco.

According to the organization, (ISC)2 was established in 1989 when multiple information security organizations came together to develop a standard for knowledge of industry "best practices" as well as a code of ethics for information security professionals. This resulted in the CISSP certification, as well as a more entry-level Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) title, both of which require documented experience in the field as well as a pledge to adhere to the organization's code of ethics.

"Thanks to the vision of a few information security pioneers, (ISC)2 began the professionalization of the information security industry by developing the CISSP and SSCP certifications," James E. Duffy, executive director of (ISC)2, said in a printed statement annoucing the anniversary. "(ISC)2 also provides programs that support our constituents throughout their careers, and we continually strive to expand the range of professional growth, career development, peer recognition and networking opportunities we offer."

ISC(2) added several specializations for CISSPs in 2003.

According to (ISC)2, there are aproximately 23,000 CISSPs worldwide.

More information on (ISC)2 and its certifications can be found here.  -Becky Nagel

There are 8 CertCities.com user Comments for “(ISC)2 Celebrates 15 Years”
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2/26/04: Zakir Hossain from Colour Quest Ltd, Dhaka Bangladesh says: I am an A Certified Professional & IT Member of CompTIA USA. I always eager to learn any new thing on IT. I am also interested to build myself as Security+ Expert,it will take time. At the moment I am preparing myself MCSE(MCP). I always live with best of best. Zakir Hossain
2/26/04: Zakir Hossain from Colour Quest Ltd Bangladesh says: Being an A+ Certified Professional I congratulate ISC 15 yrs celebration. CompTIA shows me the IT globalisation and you also share me the same thing. Do not hesitate to contact any text of ISC 15 ys celebration. B' Regards-Zakir Hossain
2/26/04: Anonymous says: Thank you for letting us know the update of your life, as if we need to know all that. We all do what you have been doing and if you don't do that, don't call yourself an IT professional. It's not something special to always learn new things in IT, it has become a standard if you want to survive in it, BUT it takes a lot more than just willingness to learn new things in order to survive in IT world. By the way, what does it have to do with CompTIA and being its member? It's not something special either. And FYI, everyone and their brothers have CompTIA's X-plus certs, they're not so hard to get and don't have much value in HR's eyes, unless you collect the papers, it's not something useful. Even almost everyone has MCSE and CCNP now. So, wanna be special? Put down your CCIE "valid" number behind your name, otherwise, everyone can get about any other certs that you got. Good luck with your life Zakir.
2/26/04: pat again says: Zakir Hossain be (oops)proud of what you have, where you come from the accomplishment you made could be huge. keep going in the right direction and don't let others put you down! Anonymous, it's not the letters after the name that make a person valid, you get a life and learn some respect! Also, put a name behind the words if you're going to be rude.
2/26/04: Anonymous says: Well, so from now, it's okay for anyone to tell their life story or whatever is going on with our life here in this website. "Yesterday I got a big raise after I completed my CCSP, so today I bought a BMW M3 for myself and a Tiffany ring and an LV purse for my fiance and she's so happy. We're going to be married next month. Lucky me!" Do we need that kind of crap in this forum?
2/27/04: Gatot Alibaba from Afganistan says: Putting "CCIE xxxx" behind your name means you have accomplished the highest title of Cisco certification program and a well respected title among other networking certifications. Of course it does matter whether you put it behind your name or not and compare it with putting a "A+" "Net+" "MCP" on it if it even matters, as they are far less valuable than CCIE and may lead people to think that you may have cheated your way through since it's very possible. Yes you don't have to put the letters behind your name, especially if it's only the CompTIA poop+ or just an MCP (even MCSE could be paper), but if it's a CCIE, then why not? I bet you would have put your CCIE number if you had one, don't even think it doesn't matter. So stop bragging if you only have some X+ paper from CompTIA and becoming its "honorary" member, or with an MCP, Save it for yourself for now. Everyone and their brothers have one already, if they would write their story here, CertCities.com would just waste their valuable space and bandwith for them and readers would waste their valuable time reading them. Get a diary and you can write anything you like. Anyway am I being more rude than any other posters before, who have directly and harsly insulted other people? Is it your first time visiting this site? Cmon man, you gotta know more before making a comment? -Alibaba-
3/2/04: Anonymous says: BMW? I'm sorry. I guess money can't buy tatste.
3/3/04: Anonymous says: ...maybe because you prefer Cavalier than M3? That's understandable...for a good long laugh in your face.
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