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...Home ... Editorial ... News ..News Story Sunday: June 3, 2012

Exam Cram Publisher Goes Under

4/3/2002 -- Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Coriolis LLC, publisher of the Exam Cram certification study guides as well as other IT books, was dissolved last week by its majority owner, Haights Cross.

All but three of Coriolis' 50 employees were let go Thursday, and the company is looking to sell all Coriolis "assets and intelectual property," a spokesperson for Haights Cross told CertCities.com.

The closure is due to poor financials, the spokesperson said, and the decision was made after an extended search for a buyer failed.

As of press time, neither of the company's Web sites -- Coriolis.com or ExamCram.com -- make any mention of the shut down, although the Coriolis home page is currently promoting a "Spring Sale," in which all of its products are 75 percent off through most of April.

The closure came as a blow to many of the publisher's writers. One author, Barry Shilmover, told CertCities.com that despite having written seven books for the company, he still hasn't had any formal contact from Coriolis about the shut-down or the status of his royalty payments or copyrights. "I found out through a friend," he said. "It's very frustrating...but I'm not as bad off as some other authors."

Although Shilmover has not yet been contacted, it appears that other authors have. Through sources, CertCities.com obtained a copy of an author release that was sent to at least one Coriolis writer. In it, the company agreed to pay 20 percent of what the author is owed in exchange for release of liability, a promise not to sue and other conditions.

Shilmover told CertCities.com that there's a lot of confusion out there among Coriolis writers, tech editors and other freelancers: "What's happpened is that a lot of people are hearing a lot of different things, or are being told different things...."

In fact, Shilmover said that several authors who are owed money and/or would like the copyrights to their books so they can publish them elsewhere have come together in a loose coalition to share information and ideas. "What we really need to do is get the story straight," he said."If we can get more authors, maybe we can better figure out what's going on." Shilmover said that anyone interested in participating in the group's mailing list can e-mail him at .

For more information about Coriolis, visit www.coriolis.com or www.examcram.com. - B.N.

There are 75 CertCities.com user Comments for “Exam Cram Publisher Goes Under”
Page 1 of 8
4/3/02: Becky Nagel from Web Editor, CertCities.com says: CORRECTION: For about the first 10 minutes that this article was posted, it contained an incorrect author name. The correct name of the author quoted is Barry Shilmover (NOW CORRECTED ABOVE). We apologize for any inconvience this error caused. -- Becky Nagel, Web Editor, CertCities.com
4/3/02: Anonymous says: Tragic day. Best study guides on the market, period. I have my CNE3, CNE4, CNE5, MCSE 4, MCSE 2K, CCA 1.0, CCA 1.8, CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, Net plus and A plus. Pretty much all with the use of Exam Cram.
4/3/02: Joe says: A sign of the times, what's next for IT?
4/3/02: Cranitex from Winipeg says: 75% off sounds good to me
4/4/02: Don from PA says: Yeah I tested it on the http://www.coriolis.com/ website. Yeah most of the prices are 75% off especially the Exam Cram cert books, but shipping price they quoted was expensive. Over $16.00 for the examcram paperback books. Too much!!! I stopped there. Beware of high shipping costs.
4/4/02: Anonymous says: Sad day. Pretty indicative of the market. It's going to take quite a while for IT to regain its shine even with a resurgent economy.
4/4/02: ashutosh from mumbai,india says: Very sad indeed. I became an MCSE thanks to their books. Was planning to get the Net book...still cannot believe it. Thought they would be doing pretty well..their books (authors) were doing a good job. Hope things work out for them.
4/4/02: Tom from Montgomery, AL says: If they can't get their financial affairs in order, I hope someone takes over publishing the series, or one very similar to it. Next to real-life experience, The Exam Cram series is the best tool for preparing for exams. They really helped me get my MCSD, and I was hoping they would publish books for the Visual Studio .NET exams.
4/4/02: Patrick from Austin says: I just placed an order for 4 books, so will see if I actually get them. Shipping was a tad expensive at 18 dollars
4/4/02: to depressed to write says: I to used their books to study for my MCES. After buying the first to help me study for my first exam, I when and bought the series. Today is sad sad day!
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