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UPDATED:CompTIA To Raise Exam Prices 4 Percent in April

3/11/2003 -- A spokesperson for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) told CertCities.com today that it will be raising prices on most of its certification exams 4 percent next month.

On April 11, the non-member price of CompTIA's A+ exams will rise to $145, an increase of $6. Most of its other exams -- including Network+, Linux+, Server+ and i-Net+ -- will cost $207, up from their current $199 price tag.

The cost of CompTIA's Security+ exam will not change. Its non-member price is $225.

CompTIA posted the following statement explaining the increase on its Web site: "Pricing adjustments are necessary to allow for continued exam maintenance and upgrading. As technology develops, continued review and upgrading of test items ensures that the certifications continue to accurately reflect current industry standards."

CompTIA typically raises exam prices incrementally every year. Last year, prices rose from $5 to $9 dollars per exam, or 4.5 to 5 percent. The hike generally comes in January.

The above nonmember prices (members are eligible for discounts) are valid for North America. CompTIA said on its Web site that it will post any international prices affected as the information becomes available.

To view the official announcement, click here and scroll down.  -B.N.

There are 55 CertCities.com user Comments for “UPDATED:CompTIA To Raise Exam Prices 4 Percent in April”
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3/13/03: CD from Missouri says: Looks like I will have to sell another child to take my next CompTIA cert.!!! Though I hate jumping on a band wagon, it looks like this one is well deserved. MS and CompTIA are getting wayyyy out of line with the costs here. I am all for democracy and stuff, but enough is enough. It took me around a grand to reach my MCSE with the electives I wanted to have, or I should say the ones that would get me a JOB!! It took me around 500.00 to get where I wanted to be with Cisco, CCNA with a splash of security related PIX and VPN, and I will have to pay for that again in a year and a half.... CompTIA has me for around a grand for NET plus, A plus and Security plus. Was thinking about Project plus, but will ask my employer if they will pay for it first. If not, then I guess I wont take it. I just can't justify it anymore. My wife looks at me like I grew another head when I say anything about a new Cert I am looking at. And If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy!!! I wish everyone luck in their journey down the IT road. It looks rocky right now, but it's gonna get back to a "normal" pace someday. I got my fingers crossed. Just took Citrix 2 weeks ago, CCA, and will be taking Checkpoint next, CCSA. I think security is gonna hang in there, and I want to diversify as far as MS is concerned. Can't be keeping my eggs in one basket, ya' know what I mean???? Laterzzzz
3/13/03: NY Finger Lakes IT Man says: Exam costs go up just like everything else, but the certs keep on coming at you. I've been in this business over 23 years and it has been this way since Arpanet - you always have one more level to come up to because these vendors keep raising the bar on you. Personally I think this is just a way to keep the non-degreed people in the underpaid category. Let's face it, the BA,BS,MA,MS,PHD crowd have had their way from the beginning because of their, "Union cards", (sheepskins), and that will not change as long as they run the business. SO you can fight on in futility and keep taking cert exams forever or you can join the grand conspiracy and spend a fortune for the next 12 years and become one of "them". There will always be, "haves", and, "have-nots", in IT, and this certification exam thing is just the tip of the iceberg. Unless you are ready to pony up and become one of the, "professionals", you will continue to be a loser at the bottom of the food chain in IT. I have too much time and effort invested in this industry to do anything else, my advice to the young is go to college and get your bachelor's degree in practically anything and then get some certs - you will make much more money starting out and over your career than people who just use certs to get into IT. You might even find a field that is more profitable than IT with less expense and effort required to maintain professional status. Exam prices are the dues we pay for being part of this career path, like it or not they will get higher as time goes on; it's just another way of keeping the field free of too many people. Most of the daily tasks used by IT personnel can be performed without being a genius and could be taught to anyone of average intelligence on the job, but that is a secret that the, "Union members", don't want to leak out... how else could they maintain their hold over the IT industry? Still, until the apprenticeship concept begins to take hold we will all have to keep recertifying to keep up with the continual evolution of technology, like it or not, love it or leave it.
3/13/03: Roger from Alberta says: I agree a lot with the last poster's comments, very good insights into this whole thing.
3/13/03: Roger Alberta says: Meaning NY Finger Lakes IT's comments!
3/13/03: Whining babies says: You know, it's never the 20 million people gainfully employed in the IT sector that show up to whine and cry about things like a $5 price increase for an exam. It's only the people that can't convince employers that their skills merit a decent wage that show up to complain. Find a different line of work. Go swing a hammer or work the register at McDonald's. Then you'll have nothing to complain about, right?
3/13/03: Pick My Pocket Please says: I think I've figured this out. Spend LOTS of money, stay up all night studying, then go to the unemployment office and stand in line. When done, go to the soup kitchen for lunch! Thanks for the certs
3/13/03: A joyous occasion says: We should celebrate that Comptia exams cost so much as it keeps them out of reach of the "common people". My friends and I love Comptia certification as we are considered the exclusive elite and financially well off enough to set us apart from the lower class\cost Microsoft certification general mainstream groupies. I hope the Comptia exam price continues to climb until it is out of reach of most and especially recent school leavers and dropouts. That way when an employer reads our resume and sees our Comptia certifications listed then he will know that he is hiring real class, money and educated. Remember,You can never be too rich. Its true some of us have the money to spend and so we don't complain, our eliet group tend forge ahead of the rest of the pack and out perform time and again.
3/13/03: Raise the price again says: Comptia put the prices up even more at least another $200 so I can get the jobs over those that won't pay to do the certs. Please hurry.
3/14/03: Ray from North America says: Don't be surprised and disappointed! it is all commerical thing! CompTIA is not an IT education centre, it is completely a profit making private organization. Business is business, right?
3/14/03: Ronald Mendieta from NJ says: Elvis Nievies is a lier, he does not have all those certs. HE IS A LIER!!!
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