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UPDATED:CompTIA To Raise Exam Prices 4 Percent in April

3/11/2003 -- A spokesperson for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) told CertCities.com today that it will be raising prices on most of its certification exams 4 percent next month.

On April 11, the non-member price of CompTIA's A+ exams will rise to $145, an increase of $6. Most of its other exams -- including Network+, Linux+, Server+ and i-Net+ -- will cost $207, up from their current $199 price tag.

The cost of CompTIA's Security+ exam will not change. Its non-member price is $225.

CompTIA posted the following statement explaining the increase on its Web site: "Pricing adjustments are necessary to allow for continued exam maintenance and upgrading. As technology develops, continued review and upgrading of test items ensures that the certifications continue to accurately reflect current industry standards."

CompTIA typically raises exam prices incrementally every year. Last year, prices rose from $5 to $9 dollars per exam, or 4.5 to 5 percent. The hike generally comes in January.

The above nonmember prices (members are eligible for discounts) are valid for North America. CompTIA said on its Web site that it will post any international prices affected as the information becomes available.

To view the official announcement, click here and scroll down.  -B.N.

There are 55 CertCities.com user Comments for “UPDATED:CompTIA To Raise Exam Prices 4 Percent in April”
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3/13/03: Hey Monkey Nuts from Hell says: Gentlemen: I completely understand the stress this is causing you. Unfortunately, people think that our beloved IT field can generate huge paychecks. The reality is this bullsh*t. Is sad to say there is no ROI for your time and money you spent in obtaining certifications. Instead of whining how much is going to cost you, why don’t you change field. I am certain that many of us already did. Personally, I will stop this madness. Is not worth it. Think about it. MCSE 2000, MCSE+I NT 4.0, MCT, CCEA, CCNA, A+, Network+, Server+ = headaches, nightmares, family bitching that they ever see you Is it worth it?????
3/12/03: NoUseForAName :-) says: One week after they banned vouvher re-selling, figures! Oh well, How many *insert cert name here*+ certifications would you want to have behinf your name anyway? They should at least change there exam naming convention for the sake of professionalism. A+ is the only cert that holds any wait there anyway...
3/12/03: Whiny from Michigan says: Quit all yer whining, don't get them, in act don't get any of them. Then stay home and cry in your beer when you don't get any phone calls for interviews because the HR departments are weeding through resumes and throwing out the ones with no certs and degrees.
3/12/03: Anonymous says: Nobody's getting rich in I.T. anymore. It's a mature industry, why waste your time and energy making fat cats richer? Try wrought iron fabrication for security bars, its alot simpler, never changes and your welding certs last a lifetime. Besides microsoft is sending its programming code to india, intels sending its chip fab to china and all the fortune 500 corps. are consolidating their servers into blade farms and cutting network management staff. Why support people and companies that are out to screw you and your offspring long term. Support Linux open source and small businesses with your skills. Gee how about a high-tech plumber? They already know crap flows downhill if you let it!
3/12/03: mrobinson52 from Mountain View, Ca says: I am glad that I got my A plus and Network plus a while ago. I had been toying with the idea of updating, but not with the prices now. I will just continue with my MS and Cisco certs. It really is a shame that the folks who can afford it least have to pay the most for the entry level certs. It was doable with discount vouchers, but now that is gone. It really is a shame.
3/12/03: Anonymous says: Prices on everything are going up. At work today I noticed the powdered doughnuts in the vending machine whet up from 75 cents to 80 cents. Inflation sucks.
3/12/03: Vendor Whotrail? from Dallas says: Vendors are you listening? Vendors continue to show their ingratitude for the professionals that support their technologies. First Microsoft said the NT certifications you worked so hard for were no good anymore. Not to worry, you have a deadline to recertify on Win2k before we take it away from you. So you started from scratch to pass five or more exams and sacrificed your soul to recertify? "Too bad, we changed our mind and you can keep your NT 4.0 certs after all... sorry about that." Were they really sorry? Now that you have your Win2k certs, too bad. Win2k was rushed to market and they really wanted it be called Win2003. Time to recertify yet again. Then Comptia eliminates cost effective vouchers and now they're raising prices. And what do we get for all our work? Just to be at the whims and mercies of those who SHOULD be on our side. Shouldn't vendors have OUR interests in mind when creating or modifying a certification path? After all, it benefits them to have qualified people who know and understand their technologies and fully support THEM. Instead, it's evident that the support professionals that maintain their technologies throughout the world are only given a passing thought, that is, if we're even thought of at all. It's evident by actions such as these that vendors are only concerned about what looks good on paper and don't understand or even consider the human element for the untold thousands who sacrifice of their time, energy, resources, and personal life in support of their technology. By pursuing a given certification track, we as professionals cast our vote and show our support for their technology, but when was the last time they did ANYTHING that showed that they are in the least bit support of you? Read their own website about the "benefits" of certification. Isn't it time that the certifying bodies do something that actually benefit the individuals who work so hard for them? Many professions have governing bodies that support their industry so as to maintain the integrity of their profession. Accountants have the AICPA and State Board, attorneys have the bar, and even dock workers have unions, but IT professionals get nothing in the way of professional integrity from the ones who should support us - we the people who support them. Make no mistake. The people who support the IT world make heavy personal sacrifices to do so. Isn't it time that the industry market leaders recognize that fact? Are any vendors listening?
3/12/03: Sachin Tendulkar from India says: I am not over concerned by this.
3/13/03: ELVIS from NEW YORK says: All you IT wanna be can complain all you want. Comptia needs to recover monies from all the discounted vouchers. Oh well! You got to strive if you want to survive in this field. I could care less if they increase the price. I earned my Certs already. If you don't want to pay fine the new jack will take your job. Certs: MCSA,CNE,5,6,Network+,A+
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