
UPDATED:CompTIA To Raise Exam Prices 4 Percent in April

3/11/2003 -- A spokesperson for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) told today that it will be raising prices on most of its certification exams 4 percent next month.

On April 11, the non-member price of CompTIA's A+ exams will rise to $145, an increase of $6. Most of its other exams -- including Network+, Linux+, Server+ and i-Net+ -- will cost $207, up from their current $199 price tag.

The cost of CompTIA's Security+ exam will not change. Its non-member price is $225.

CompTIA posted the following statement explaining the increase on its Web site: "Pricing adjustments are necessary to allow for continued exam maintenance and upgrading. As technology develops, continued review and upgrading of test items ensures that the certifications continue to accurately reflect current industry standards."

CompTIA typically raises exam prices incrementally every year. Last year, prices rose from $5 to $9 dollars per exam, or 4.5 to 5 percent. The hike generally comes in January.

The above nonmember prices (members are eligible for discounts) are valid for North America. CompTIA said on its Web site that it will post any international prices affected as the information becomes available.

To view the official announcement, click here and scroll down.  -B.N.




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