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Exam Cram Publisher Goes Under

4/3/2002 -- Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Coriolis LLC, publisher of the Exam Cram certification study guides as well as other IT books, was dissolved last week by its majority owner, Haights Cross.

All but three of Coriolis' 50 employees were let go Thursday, and the company is looking to sell all Coriolis "assets and intelectual property," a spokesperson for Haights Cross told CertCities.com.

The closure is due to poor financials, the spokesperson said, and the decision was made after an extended search for a buyer failed.

As of press time, neither of the company's Web sites -- Coriolis.com or ExamCram.com -- make any mention of the shut down, although the Coriolis home page is currently promoting a "Spring Sale," in which all of its products are 75 percent off through most of April.

The closure came as a blow to many of the publisher's writers. One author, Barry Shilmover, told CertCities.com that despite having written seven books for the company, he still hasn't had any formal contact from Coriolis about the shut-down or the status of his royalty payments or copyrights. "I found out through a friend," he said. "It's very frustrating...but I'm not as bad off as some other authors."

Although Shilmover has not yet been contacted, it appears that other authors have. Through sources, CertCities.com obtained a copy of an author release that was sent to at least one Coriolis writer. In it, the company agreed to pay 20 percent of what the author is owed in exchange for release of liability, a promise not to sue and other conditions.

Shilmover told CertCities.com that there's a lot of confusion out there among Coriolis writers, tech editors and other freelancers: "What's happpened is that a lot of people are hearing a lot of different things, or are being told different things...."

In fact, Shilmover said that several authors who are owed money and/or would like the copyrights to their books so they can publish them elsewhere have come together in a loose coalition to share information and ideas. "What we really need to do is get the story straight," he said."If we can get more authors, maybe we can better figure out what's going on." Shilmover said that anyone interested in participating in the group's mailing list can e-mail him at .

For more information about Coriolis, visit www.coriolis.com or www.examcram.com. - B.N.

There are 72 CertCities.com user Comments for “Exam Cram Publisher Goes Under”
Page 2 of 8
4/4/02: Thom says: No need to worry about someone doing the books, this is going to make a void in supply while demand is unchanged for upcoming versions of exams. Someone will be trying to fill into this spot, hopefully they will have the insight to contact the people who made the great contributions to Exam Cram to start off the new series. On a personal note I am going to cram all night tonight, wear my Phi Slamma Cramma shirt tomorrow, drink a couple of pots of coffee and go get a cert as a last good bye to Exam Cram!
4/4/02: Oz says: About time . A company that made living off selling braindumps bytes the dust. GREAT. Now we can start to get back to training the way it USED to be . You learn the product, use the product then sit the test for the product. This company is one of the cancers our biz has today ... By helping ill prepared people get certs which put them into positions way over their head. Not good for the employee or employer. Look at what we have now a lot of cert folks ,no experience, no jobs and no future .. What did that do . Dilute the market, reduce salaries and generally made a lot of folks look bad and have to work a lot harder because of goofs by ill trained folks. Most because the foundation of their learning was weak and therefore they cannot build a base to expand and move on. A culling of the herd, so to speak. Yet the few websites that train the correct way via education and understanding are doing just fine.. I hope this will be a wake up call and folks will realise thats this biz is a fine biz but there are no free lunches. You work hard and do things right you will do fine..
4/4/02: Anonymous from WV says: I called Coriolis sales today and they said that this story is untrue. They said everything is ok.
4/4/02: Eric from Eugene, OR says: I filled my shopping cart at ExamCram.com with about a dozen books and then proceeded to the checkout where I was informed the shipping was $60.67! Holy guano batman! It's still a great price (about 50% off of Amazon.com's prices for these same books when you factor in the shipping costs) But not the whopping 75% as advertised. I decided I didn't need to spend $200 (on a $140 order) on books that weren't really the "best" (although they were very good), and would be out of date before I could get to reading them. I'll pay the higher long term costs but get better results. On a side note, I passed about half of my certs using books from Coriolis. Too bad they're going under.
4/4/02: teacher says: I purchased a load of the exam cram guides. several for tests i have already passed. it helps to see things from another perspective sometimes. shipping $48 on $119 order. what a rip. i checked the source code and it looks like they are quoting red rates...but not even offering brown right now. i called the 800 num and they said everything was going out ground and that was their rates. i think when this is all said and done someone is going to find they were pocketing extra money on the shipping as a handling charge. in the end the prices are still way better than the best dicount available on the web. it worked out to @$3 per book.
4/4/02: Scott Armstrong from Orlando says: Tell it like it is Oz. To Anon from WV- what do expect someone in Sales to say, the truth ? Come on over to the saluki list. saluki.com
4/4/02: Anonymous says: I was quoted free shipping, so maybe that's a mistake. I just put in an order about 10 min before I read this story - we'll see if it shows up. I'll miss the Cram series - I was ordering this book as the to pass the last test I need, then I'll have MCSE (NT4 and Win2k), MCSA, and MCDBA. All I've ever used is the Cram books (and a lot of real-world experience). Hope somebody picks up the series.
4/4/02: Terry The Fox from Ontario says: About time. Their first books were GARBAGE yet it sold 1000's. Am I jealous? No, I'm upset that at one time I sent them a proposal for a non-technical book related to certifications. They said no thanks, then proceeded to write their own book on the same topic. Also beware guys, if they are going under, they may not ship the books to you. They will take the money and live happily ever after in the Caribean or some other nice warm place!!! Keep your money in your pocket!
4/4/02: Anonymous from NYC says: If you guys look at it, those hard cover books is heavy. I have to return one from a book club that I forgot to cancel the book of the month in time, and it cost me like $7 just to ship the dman thing back.
4/4/02: Buck teet beaver from NY says: I am sad that this company has gone bust. I lied my way through all my jobs I failed my ccna I am usless I bought a couple books. The only way goofy teeth hair growing out of my nose people will pass the tests was with books like these:-( 9
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