
CompTIA Raises Exam Prices 5 Percent Worldwide

7/1/2005 -- Today the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) raised the price of all its certification exams worldwide. The new prices are effective immediately.

In the U.S., the organization's two A+ exams have gone from $145 to $153 (non-member price), an increase of 5.5 percent.

The Security+, e-Biz+, CTT+ (VBT) and CDIA+ exams have gone from $225 to $237, an increase of 5.3 percent.

Network+, Server+, Project+, Linux+, i-Net+, HTI+ and CTT+ (CBT) exams now cost $218, an increase of 5.3 percent over the previous price of $207.

The last time CompTIA raised its exam prices was in April 2003.

According to CompTIA spokesperson Steven Ostrowski, the organization raised the prices now to cover added costs of delivering the exams, but "tried to keep the increase as minimal as possible while still covering our additional costs."

Unlike in previous years, CompTIA did not pre-announce this fee hike. When asked why CompTIA decided not to pre-announce this time, Ostrowski commented: "Other companies don't pre-annouce price increases on their products."

According to Ostroskwi, while the new prices are effective immediately, vouchers purchased based on the old exam prices will remain valid until their expiration date -- these candidates will not need to pay any extra amount. Any discount coupons or other offers will also remain valid, he said.

Candidates who registered for an exam prior to the increase but did not buy a voucher and did not take their exam before today will have to pay the new exam price. Ostroskwi said that the "majority" of exam candidates do purchase a voucher when they register.

CompTIA will continue to offer corporate member and volume discounts.  -Becky Nagel




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