(ISC)2 Ups CISSP Experience, Endorsement Requirements
5/16/2007 -- The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium [(ISC)2] announced yesterday that it will soon raise the work experience requirement for its flagship Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.
Currently, candidates are required to have at least four years of experience in IT security. Beginning Oct. 1, that requirement goes up to five.
On that date, the company will also begin accepting recommendations only from other CISSPs in good standing. Currently, candidates can get recommendations from other industry professionals if they do not have a CISSP to recommend them.
Randy Sanovic, (ISC)2 board chairperson, said the following of the change in a released statement: "Additional measures of experience and peer endorsement ensure a CISSP has a complete understanding of how to implement an effective information security program and manage information security risks and the ethical commitment to make the right choices along the way."
Anyone scheduled to take the exam before Oct. 1 will not be subject to the new requirements. The change will also not affect current CISSPs, nor those holding or pursing the organization's other security titles.
To view the official annoucement of this change, go here. -Becky Nagel