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...Home ... Editorial ... News ..News Story Monday: December 19, 2011

Novell's SuSE 10 Certs Coming in August

7/26/2006 -- Following on the heels of the release of SuSE Linux 10 earlier this month, Novell has announced that it will be updating its line of SuSE-focued certifications in "early August."

To become a Novell Certified Linux Professional 10, candidates will be required to pass one, hands-on practicum exam, #050- 697 Novell CLP 10.

Those who wish to attain the higher rank of Novell Certified Linux Engineer 10 will be required to pass the above exam plus another practicum, 050-699 Novell CLP10/CLE 10.

Objectives for the SuSE 10 exams have yet to be released.

As with the previous exams, both of the exams are expected to only be available through specific Novell testing centers worldwide.

For more information on these upcoming certifications, go here.  -Becky Nagel

There are 9 CertCities.com user Comments for “Novell's SuSE 10 Certs Coming in August”
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7/27/06: Anonymous says: WOW another waste of Novells money. Why don't they give up?
7/31/06: Anonymous says: Obviously you don't know what they do. There are 2 main lines of Linux...SUSE and RedHat. The certifications for these (CLP CLE and RHCE) almost hold the same weight. So...that is why they don't give up.
8/1/06: Anonymous says: Still means nothing
8/7/06: Anonymous says: I think this is a good one and I'll take this certified soon, thanks to Novell & Suse.
8/24/06: Anonymous says: waste? means nothing? you obviously have no experience with enterprise computing
8/29/06: Anonymous says: It means nothing to you because you probably do not work in an enterprise novell envirnment, but then you are correct, why should you trade in your X-box.
9/19/06: mmufid from Dubai says: I think that Suse linux is worth to be taken....it is not a waste of money, it is a new flavour of linux that has a great future.
9/26/06: Novell Rules from DXB says: I heard some fool saying wasteof Novell's monsy ... what a dumb guy... Novells certifications rules as MS exams can be passed by any fool with Braindumps..
4/29/07: James Gosling says: This is a serious cert not which will be no walk in the park. SUSE are one of the biggest players in Linux and now they are part of Novell with its vast international support network, it is the now the most serious player in enterprise linux. I will be taking CLP then CLE. Reports on the exams, which are hands-on, are that they are tough... Good luck. James Gosling www.jamesgosling.com www.novellblog.com
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