
CompTIA Announces Linux+ Update

6/9/2004 -- Last week the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) announced that it will be updating its entry-level, vendor-neutral Linux+ credential, releasing the new exam by "late 2004."

CompTIA characterizes the upcoming exam as a "major" upgrade. Detailed objectives for the new exam can be found here. The chart below compares the main objective areas on the current and future exam:

2004 Exam Objectives (Late 2004) 2001 Exam Objectives (Current)
Installation 19% Planning and Installation 16%
Configuration 20% Configuration 15%
Management/Maintenance 26% Administration/Maintenance 32%
Security 21%  
Documentation 6%  
Basic Linux Hardware 8% Hardware 19%
  Troubleshooting 18%

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Program Manager Yvonne Keith told that changes were based on feedback from subject matter experts, who recommended adding significant security material as well as a documentation section, and de-emphasizing hardware. "We also tried to focus the hardware better...toward Linux," she commented.

Keith said that troubleshooting material will still be on the exam, but will be spread throughout the various domains. The recommended experience level for the title will also be raised from six months to six to 12 months, Keith said.

According to Keith, a beta for the new exam will debut in July or August.

More information on Linux+ can be found here.  -Becky Nagel





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