
Deleting Old User Profiles in Windows 2000/XP/2003
Is there a script to get rid of old profiles?

by Zubair Alexander

5/14/2008 -- There are several old profiles taking up disk space on our workstations that we would like to get rid of. Is there a script or any other easy way that we can delete these old profiles?

Microsoft offers a utility in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit called the User Profile Deletion Utility (DelProf.exe). It's a command-line tool that you can use to delete your old profiles on Windows 2000/XP/2003 computers. You can use this utility to delete user profiles on local or remote computers.

Make sure that you're logged in as a member of the Administrators group to use this utility. Because this tool will delete everything in the user's profile, you might want to make sure that there's no data or favorites that you need to back up for the user before you use DelProf.exe.

At the command prompt, type delprof /? in the folder where the tool was installed. Here's what the syntax looks like:

delprof /q /i /p /r /c:\\computer name /d:days

  • /q: Runs Delprof.exe in quiet mode so you won't be prompted to confirm the deletion of each profile.
  • /i: Ignores errors.
  • /p: Specifies that a message is displayed that prompts you to confirm the deletion of each profile.
  • /r: Specifies to delete the roaming profile cache only so the local profiles on the computer won't be deleted.
  • /c:\\computer name: Specifies the name of the computer where you want to run delprof.exe.
  • /d:days: Specifies the number of days after which delprof.exe considers the profiles as inactive and will delete the profiles that are older than the specified value.

Check out the file DelProf.mht file included with this tool for more information and step-by-step instructions.

Zubair Alexander, MCSE, MCT, MCSA and Microsoft MVP is the founder of SeattlePro Enterprises, an IT training and consulting business. His experience covers a wide range of spectrum: trainer, consultant, systems administrator, security architect, network engineer, author, technical editor, college instructor and public speaker. Zubair holds more than 25 technical certifications and Bachelor of Science degrees in Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Information Systems. His Web site,, is dedicated to technical resources for IT professionals. Zubair may be reached at .




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